DIMM sockets are only available as long latch type ( Module locking extractors ) and THT soldering technology.

Insertion & extraction of the module can be made without any tools. Positive polarization prevents wrong insertion of the module. Contacts are designed with an anti-overstress feature for long contact life. Selective Gold/Tin plated. Gold only in contact area.

Available in vertical, horizontal 25° and 90° for 100- and 168-pin 3,3V and 5,0V modules, and 184-pin 2,5V modules. For DDR I, II and III modules 184-pin 2,5V & 240-pin 1,5V.

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DIMM Sockets
168-pin horizontal 90° socket type

DIMM Sockets - THT - 168-pin horizontal 90° for UD-RAM modules in 3,3V version. The socket with selective gold-plated contacts. Tin on soldering, and gold in contact area. Other versions on request.
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168-pin slanted 25° socket type

DIMM Sockets - THT - 168-pin slanted 25° for D-RAM, SD-RAM and UD-RAM modules in 3,3V version. The socket with selective gold-plated contacts. Tin on soldering, and gold in contact area.
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184-pin vertical DDR socket type

DIMM Sockets - THT - 184-pin vertical DDR for DDR modules in 2.5V version. The socket with selective gold-plated contacts. Tin in soldering, and gold in contact area. Other versions on request.
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240-pin DDR-III

DIMM Sockets - THT - 240-pin DDR-III for DDR III modules in 1,5V version. The socket in "pink", "green" or "black" with selective gold-plated contacts. Tin in soldering, and gold in contact ar
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100- and 168-pin vertical socket types

DIMM Sockets - THT - vertical, 100-pin for UD-RAM modules 3,3V. 168-pin for D-RAM, SD-RAM and UD-RAM modules 3,3V and 5,0V. The sockets have selective gold-plated contacts. Tin in soldering, and gold in contact area.
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